Your House Is On Fire


I told you that months ago.
And you said, “What in the world do you know?”

So don’t get your panties in a twist
because I won’t tell you where the fire hydrant is.

Burn baby burn. Learn baby learn.


Understanding Another’s Viewpoint

A lot of times I hear someone sticking up for a friend, co-worker, or relative they’re close to. There’s nothing wrong with defending them. However, do your best not to dismiss the other person’s feelings about your sidekick. Your relationship and the other person’s relationship with the person you’re defending may be very different. (I hate to relate humans to dogs, but in this situation, it seems like a good way to describe how someone can treat two people differently.) Simply put, around you, the person you’re defending is Lassie and to the other person they’re Cujo. Hopefully, the dog comparison will help you to put things into perspective and help you understand the other person’s viewpoint.

From Crying to Dancing

Last year my friend invited me to take part in a charity walk. She was running late. The walk had already started, but I decided to wait for her so we could start and finish at the same time. This year, I got to the event as soon as the countdown started. I called and called and called and got no response. So instead of retreating back to my car and going back home and getting back in bed, I decided to participate in the walk. I put my headphones on and got moving. When I was halfway done with the walk, I ran into my friend. She couldn’t believe that I had caught up to her (she saw me first). I couldn’t believe it either as I was not expecting to run into her because there were so many people. At any rate, I was feeling so good about catching up to her that I told I wanted to finish the walk the same way I started– alone. She smiled and said OK and I kept right on going finishing the race ahead of her.

Currently, my friends are well ahead of me in the race of life. They have a lot of good things going on in their life. It’s their season of reaping the good fruit they’ve sown. I’m happy for every one of them. I’ve seen the blood, sweat, and tears they shed through these last few years. They deserve all the blessings and more.

I couldn’t help but notice that this walk served as a sign that my harvest season is slowly, but surely approaching. At some point the tears that I’ve sown will turn in to dancing shoes. After class is dismissed, I’m going to go through my music collection and find my theme song.

This post is for those of you who see people passing you up and you wanna quit. Don’t give up, you’re harvest season is almost here too. Keep walking until you get to the finish line.

Unfortunately, when I finished my race I didn’t stand at the finish line to cheer my friend on. I promised myself that if I finish my race in life ahead of my friends that I’m going to be waiting at the finish line to cheer them on and congratulate them on finishing their race.

Class dismissed.

Quote (Albert Ellis)


“By not caring too much about what people think, I’m able to think for myself and propagate ideas which are very often unpopular. And I succeed.”- Albert Ellis

(via: “Good Leaders ask Great Questions by John C. Maxwell)

Dealing with Difficult Workers

As I was reading John Maxwell’s “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions” I discovered how important work performance and work ethics are when it comes to dealing with difficult workplace situations. Showing up on time, giving your best every day, and not participating in workplace gossip, shows three things: integrity, credibility, and maturity. These are important tools when it comes to issues in the workplace. When you start to have problems with someone at your job, your words hold more weight compared to another worker known to everyone as The Town Gossiper who also has the same problem with the same person as you do. Of course there are times where even with those tools you still have a problem with that person or even someone else. If that is the case, don’t be discouraged. Those tools are still good; you just have to use some other tools such as patience, gentleness, and above all self-control to help you out. Class dismissed.

Get Your Affairs In Order

Death is not something we want to think nor talk about. Unfortunately, it’s an important subject to discuss especially with loved ones. I wanted to talk to my loved one, but I couldn’t find the words. I couldn’t find the words until I was riding behind the ambulance on the way to the hospital late Sunday night. Thankful, he’s still alive and out of the hospital. However, the trip to the hospital sent shock waves through my mind and body. I was totally unprepared for what could’ve been his final curtain call. Last year, I started an “End of the Road” file for him and myself, but had not finished it. So I’m writing this post to encourage you to get your affairs in order. Get your Last Will and Testament done. Get yourself a Power of Attorney. Let your loved ones know where they can find certain documents (birth certificate, medical records, military records, insurance papers, marriage certificate, etc.) Make sure you have some type of burial insurance so your loved ones won’t have to carry the financial load. There’s nothing worse than seeing a family stressing out and grieving because they’re trying to raise money to bury a relative. There’s also nothing worse than seeing a family fight over their deceased relative’s possessions. So in order to feed two monkeys with one banana (that’s my way of saying “kill two birds with one stone”) I strongly encourage you to get your affairs in order and encourage your loved ones to do the same.

Capitalism At Its Finest

Thank you Fusion for an awesome documentary on one of the deep-rooted problems in Ferguson, MS. It is my belief that had Michael Brown’s story never seen the light of day, no one would’ve ever known about the economic exploitation of the poor minorities living in Ferguson. It is also my belief that there are other towns that are involved in the same type of oppressive behavior; we just don’t hear about it.



Strawberries and Slime In the Ice Machine

Before you put another scoop on top of your waffle ice cream cone, read this. Thank you Mark Collete for an excellent article on Texas’ beloved Blue Bell Ice Cream.


Thoughts On…Christian Persecution


1. We let the world mourn over the loss of our Christian brothers and sisters because the world doesn’t know Jesus, but
2. we rejoice because our Christian brothers and sisters are present with the Lord and will receive a reward for their faith.
3. In the same breath, we pray that the testimony and faith of our Christian brothers and sisters changes the lives of ALL unbelievers and
4. at the same time we pray that their example of faith encourages and strengthens us in the event that God has also chosen us to face the same type of persecution.

That’s all I have to say about Christian’s being persecuted. As my pastor loves to say, “The Kingdom is Yours, the Power is Yours, so Lord let the Glory be Yours.” In Jesus name. Amen.