From Crying to Dancing

Last year my friend invited me to take part in a charity walk. She was running late. The walk had already started, but I decided to wait for her so we could start and finish at the same time. This year, I got to the event as soon as the countdown started. I called and called and called and got no response. So instead of retreating back to my car and going back home and getting back in bed, I decided to participate in the walk. I put my headphones on and got moving. When I was halfway done with the walk, I ran into my friend. She couldn’t believe that I had caught up to her (she saw me first). I couldn’t believe it either as I was not expecting to run into her because there were so many people. At any rate, I was feeling so good about catching up to her that I told I wanted to finish the walk the same way I started– alone. She smiled and said OK and I kept right on going finishing the race ahead of her.

Currently, my friends are well ahead of me in the race of life. They have a lot of good things going on in their life. It’s their season of reaping the good fruit they’ve sown. I’m happy for every one of them. I’ve seen the blood, sweat, and tears they shed through these last few years. They deserve all the blessings and more.

I couldn’t help but notice that this walk served as a sign that my harvest season is slowly, but surely approaching. At some point the tears that I’ve sown will turn in to dancing shoes. After class is dismissed, I’m going to go through my music collection and find my theme song.

This post is for those of you who see people passing you up and you wanna quit. Don’t give up, you’re harvest season is almost here too. Keep walking until you get to the finish line.

Unfortunately, when I finished my race I didn’t stand at the finish line to cheer my friend on. I promised myself that if I finish my race in life ahead of my friends that I’m going to be waiting at the finish line to cheer them on and congratulate them on finishing their race.

Class dismissed.

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